Monday, October 26, 2009

Youth Action Project, Mexico - Summer 2005

We went our to organise a sports festival for young disabled kids but ended up working with drug and alcohol addicts in a rehabilitation home – on the last day playing bongos and chatting with the residents it was hard not to cry as they thanked us for making a difference in their lives. One addict said ‘it may have just been another days work for all of you but for us it is a day we will never forget – the day people from all over the world cared enough to listen to our stories”. Wow! We also arranged a breakdance contest, attended by hundreds of breakdancers from all over Mexico. As

we frisked the dancers on entry (for spray cans) and welcomed top djs to the underground car park where the event took place. We all realised we were entering into a subculture we had never known existed. Through my project I met some amazing people and really managed to experience Mexican culture as I was welcomed into peoples’ homes and lives freely. I loved every minute of it and learnt a lot about myself and others. ‘In case of emergency’, breakdance!’

Jeannine Richards

Click here for pictures of projects in Mexico

Click here for a country profile of Mexico

Click here for a country profile of Mexico

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